Thursday, March 6, 2014

We're Back

Hello Everyone,

We apologize for being away from our blog so long.  We were unable to blog as frequently as we were wanting, and thought it was best that we put the blog on hold for awhile.  But, after several of you contacted us through facebook, we have decided to go 'live' again.  Although we may not be the most consistent or experienced bloggers in the world, we want you to know that our message is still the same.  We are here to encourage, cheer on, and share information with all of you who are fighting this brave battle.  We promise to blog whenever we feel we have beneficial information to share with you, and hope that you will do the same with us.   We have had another family medical emergency that has since diverted our time and attention a bit, but please know that we are still here for anyone who would like a prayer partner, or even if you just want to say 'Hi!'.

Blessings and prayers for continued healing and strength for all you,


  1. So happy to see you back! You all give me such positive affirmations & we think a lot alike. I was worried for a bit & when I saw this I gave a sigh of relief!

    1. Hey Christine!

      Thank you so much! It is so good to know that this blog is making a difference. We sincerely apologize for the long absence. We were worried about not posting all of the time, and didn't just want to post to post; but perhaps most importantly, you all will know that even though we may not post frequently, we are always here for you as sisters in Christ through prayer and support! Please let us know if we can ever pray for you, or if you feel there is beneficial information out there to share, we are happy to share it!!! You all have been so wonderful and supportive. This has been a blessing in our lives as well.


  2. How is your mom? Blessings,

    1. Hi Scarlett!

      She is doing great. How are you doing?

      Thank you for checking in with us and let us know how you are doing as well and if there is anything we can pray for.


  3. Thank you Casey. Good to know your mom is good. Me and my family are doing well. Many blessings,

    1. Scarlett--you have been on my mind lately. How are you doing? Hope you are doing well.

