Now, you knew it was coming - the dreaded D word...DIET! AOL News and Huffington Post both recently ran articles on the top cancer-buster foods that we should all include in our diets. And I have to be honest with you I was very surprised by the first two. Guess I've been hiding under some rock somewhere when it comes to hearing about foods I should be eating. Okay, so just in case you haven't seen these foods listed anywhere recently here they are: 1. Plums and peaches (I had no idea and yummy) 2. Walnuts 3. Brocolli...(one of the cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and celery that are great cancer fighters) 4. Salmon 5.Olive oil 6.Parsley ( hey, I thought that was just for decoration ...lol ) 7. Coffee ( now this one is going to put a smile on most everyone's face) 8. Beans 9. tomatoes (some say it's best to consume cooked tomatoes to reap the most benefits)
So, there you have it. Now, how about it? Let's all start living a little better by getting more exercise and eating more of these foods that can help our body fight off breast cancer. My mother used to call raw (uncooked) veggies 'live' food. By the way, studies also suggest that even if you tested positive for the BRCA or have 2 genetic mutations that increase your risk of getting breast cancer-- changing your diet and eating more of these foods can actually reduce your risk as well. And don't forget to take your suppliments like COQ10 and antioxidents that fight free radicals.
On a personal note, I just have to add that it's okay, (in my humble opinion), to treat yourself to your favorites every now and then--maybe a couple of times a week. A couple of chocolate chip cookies hot out of the oven or that bag of M&M's that's been calling your name all week now. Maybe a glass of wine or an occasional margarita--ONE only--on the weekend. My motto has always been everything in moderation, nothing in excess!
So what do you do to exercise? Have any fun tips you'd like to share with the rest of us? As Kelly always says, "Sharing is caring!" Cheers!
P.S. My daughter, Kelly, found the above image of Olivia Newton-John, one of my favorite people. Talk about a blast from the past! As I'm sure a lot of you are aware, Olivia Newton-John is a breast cancer survivor herself with her own inspirational story. I will be seeing her in November here at the Majestic Theater and can't wait!
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